Real Estate Cold Calling Scripts

Why does this Script work?

At Nedialo, our cold calling script, crafted by our top-notch training department, stands out as the best in the business. With dozens of skilled cold callers, our script consistently delivers outstanding results for our exclusive clients. It's strategically designed, adaptable to market changes, and ensures meaningful connections.

Conversion Rate (Power Dialer + 3000 Contacts)

Dials a day/ Cold Caller
1 +
Connected calls A day / Cold Caller
1 +
Motivated Leads a day/ cold caller
1 +



1- Hello {First name}. This is [Your Name], I know this call might be out of the blue but I was calling about your property on 123 main street to see if you would consider selling it to me.

(Option 1).

2- Hello {First name}.This is [Your Name] . Me and my partners were looking to buy properties in the neighborhood, so I was checking if you might consider selling the one at 123 main street.

(Option 2).

3- Hello {First name}.This is [Your Name] I'm sorry if I called you at a bad time but I was reaching out to you about your property on 123 main street to see if you might consider selling it? (Option 3).

Prospect: Yes, what’s your offer?

- The offer depends on the condition so have you done any updates in the last 5 years?


- The offer depends on the condition of the house; We saw some exterior pictures online and would like to know more about the interior to make you a fair offer.



- Are you currently living there?

- Are the tenants on a Long Term Lease or a monthly Lease?
- Are you facing any issues with the tenants?(Optional)

- How long has it been vacant?


- What kind of updates were done?
- So I see (You've been living there - renting it - it's Vacant ) so it might need any repairs major

  or even minor correct?
- How is the Exterior is there any damages or repairs needed to be fixed? (Optional)
- How old are the roof and the AC and do they need any repairs?

- What about the kitchen and the bathrooms, have they been updated in the last 5 years?


- How many acres/Sqft?
- Is it residential or commercial?
- Does it has access to utilities like (gas, water, electricity, and cable TV)

- Do you mind providing me with the parcel number?


- Is it currently on the market?
  If yes:

- Is it listed with a realtor? (Skip the lead if it’s with a realtor)
- Have you thought about listing it? (Extra)


- If we agreed on a price, How soon will you be able to sell?
- If I can get you an acceptable cash offer, How soon are you looking to sell?


- So would you take more than 30 days? Don’t give the max option (6 months).


Also, If it’s owner-occupied and he said he can sell Asap, you might ask him "Ohh that's cool, do you already have another house ready to move to?" if he said no, Follow up by asking "so when saying Asap what did that mean exactly for you since we can do the closing in 30 days?"


Note: Always try to get the reasons from the owners depending on their cases (Active listening).

- IF RENTED: So I see the property is getting you a cash flow so why would you consider selling

   Are you facing issues with the tenants or something?

- IF VACANT: How long has it been vacant for? (Let him answer) So why would you consider   selling it now, instead of renting it?

- IF OWNER OCCUPIED: I see it’s a good property, also a good neighborhood so why do you wanna sell it?

- IF IT’S A VACANT LOT: So John, Why haven’t you thought of building on it instead of selling it?

- Have you thought about selling it before?


- Since it's your primary residence, Do you have plans after selling it?


- Do you have an idea of how much your property is worth? (IF YES) So what’s the price you’re expecting to get or start the offer with?

- Do you have an idea of How much do you think you can get for a property in this condition and location?

- Do you have a ballpark or a range in mind for your property?

Note: Always ask if the price is negotiable or not even if his asking price is below the market, and you don’t have to ask it right away after he says his price.

- Asking price comes last.


- So when is a good time for you to give you a callback with the offer?

- Well (owners name) Let me confirm the address real quick it’s:
  123 main street, City, State, Zip code.
- Confirm the last three digits of the phone number.

Rebuttals and common questions:

- Wrong number.
Sorry, I think I got the wrong person but since we got with you on the phone do you happen to have any property that you would consider selling it?

- Not interested.
It’s fine but do you have any other property that you might consider a cash offer for it or do you know someone else who might be looking to sell their property?
- Where are you located?
We have offices all over the state sir but now I’m calling you from the local office located here at (Same city as shown in the address) e.g. Austin, Texas/ Columbus, Ohio.

- Who is going to call me/what is the name of the person who is going to call me?
Well (Owners name), one of the acquisition managers/Partners is going to call you and I don’t want to guide you wrong, so it depends on who’s available at this time.
- Where did you get my number?
From the public city records.
- Your number appears as a scam?
That’s maybe because some people don't want to get bothered or because we’re calling multiple numbers a day but It’s by no means an indication of anything troubling.

Cold calling tips:

- Don't start the call with a high pitch (the owner will immediately recognize that it's a sales call and will become defensive and want to hang up).

- Instead of saying (Sir, Ma'am) a lot, try to use their first name frequently, and as an extra step, ask whether it's okay to call you e.g. John, or if there's another name you'd rather I use.

- You can use this rebuttal as building rapport with the owner:-

 Hey John. I appreciate your help and making things simple and straightforward for me because I deal with a lot of sellers every day and it's kind of a headache.

- Having active listening is a MUST, You have to be on the same stage as the owner on the call not just following your own script flow, the owner might also mention something important you can get the reason or get any good info out of it.

- Act as if you know the market very well, Sound as if you made your homework on his property and the near ones to be able to take from him a quality call.

- Try to make your questions as a scenario not asking with a script, go with the flow, not with the same arrangement of questions.

- Ask whether the price is negotiable; even if the price is lower than the market, this will improve the quality of the lead.

- Whether the owner is a bluffer or you suspect he is not the owner, when you confirm the address, say it incorrectly to see if he would correct it or not.

- Always focus on the first 10 seconds of the call and try to match the owner's tonality and be on the same stage as the owner.

- If we are speaking to someone authorized to speak on behalf of the owner, such as the owner's wife, sister, brother... etc. Just make sure you ask them their name; you may say something like, I assume when I called it was William's name attached to the number, therefore may I please know your name? e.g You're the wife, correct?

Start the Process

Your Future Team is one Call away

Our Services

How do we do it?

Strategic Market Research

Our dedicated data managers conduct in-depth market research, analyzing the target area to identify key motivations. Whether it's identifying aging property owners or other lucrative niches, we delve into the data to uncover the most promising opportunities.

Precision List Building

Next, we gather the hotspot area zip codes and pull lists from various sources, including county websites and public records. Our meticulous approach involves adjusting and refining the data, ensuring it's tailored to your specific objectives. We also perform skip tracing and thorough list cleaning to enhance data accuracy.

Seamless Data Integration

Our team takes charge of uploading the refined data onto the dialer system. We go a step further by configuring the dialer with the optimal number of phone lines and area-specific codes, maximizing your chances of connecting with potential leads and boosting pickup rates.

Dialer Setup and Optimization

With the data seamlessly integrated, we set up the dialer for optimal performance. This includes configuring the dialer to handle the specified volume and ensuring it aligns with the targeted area codes. Our goal is to create an efficient and streamlined process that enhances the productivity of our cold calling efforts.

Proactive Cold Calling

Our skilled cold callers take the reins, making up to 3000 dials per day during 8-hour shifts. This proactive approach allows us to connect with approximately 300 leads daily. This extensive outreach is designed to maximize opportunities and generate meaningful connections with potential clients.

CRM Integration and Client Review

Once connected calls are made, the valuable data is stored in a comprehensive CRM system. This organized information is then promptly sent to you for review, empowering you to assess the leads efficiently and make informed decisions for your real estate business.


Most frequent questions and answers

Egyptian cold callers are chosen for their neutral accent, which helps in achieving higher conversion rates. This approach allows us to bypass sales barriers often triggered by accents, resulting in more effective communication.

Our commitment to quality is reinforced by our Quality Assurance department and continuous customer feedback. We prioritize delivering top-notch services and consistently seek ways to improve based on real-time monitoring and client input.

Every lead submitted is closely monitored, and random calls throughout the day are assessed. This process helps identify areas for improvement, such as missed opportunities or unaddressed queries, ensuring our team is consistently refining their approach.

Expect results within the first three weeks of working with us. Our dedicated team and streamlined processes are designed for efficiency, ensuring you witness the impact of our services promptly.

Each agent is supported by a dedicated data manager responsible for all data-related tasks, including pulling lists and skip tracing. This ensures your agents can focus on making calls and connecting with potential leads.

Absolutely. We are well-versed in the laws and regulations of the areas we dial. Our practices adhere to legal requirements, ensuring a compliant and ethical approach to our services.

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